PLEASE NOTE: This is an archive of our original site, for informational purposes only. We no-longer have a sales catalogue.

Magi-Nation at Astral Castle

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Catalog Last Updated: 20 Mar 03

We support MagiNation both locally and on the Internet because it is such a well-designed game. First of all, the graphics are gorgeous; perhaps more important, the game mechanics are clean: easy to learn, a pleasure to play. In our store we have regular tournaments, as well as our binder of individual cards you can browse through. You'll find the same cards offered for sale on our website.

Do keep in mind that we don't have an incredibly deep stock of Magi Nation cards, so there's not a lot of use in ordering 10 copies of "Colossus" or "Ormagon" or the like. Though our catalog system will allow you to put in as large a number as you might like, it is not actually tied to any system in our store that tracks quantities. Order as many as you like, though, and we'll do our best to fill your order and get back to you if we can't pull every card.

Here's another tip to get you the best possible service: we process all catalog orders before others. Email orders get second consideration, and phone orders come in last. This is because our catalog order form supplies us with all the information we need to process your order including what sets the cards are in, prices, availability, and shipping and contact information. This means it takes us less time per order to handle catalog orders, so they get top priority. Email orders take a little more of our time (it does help if you supply set and our current prices though). We are not set up to be a telephone ordering service, which is why calls over the phone get handled last; your call arrives in our store which is quite busy. Bottom line: If you want the cards you ordered, place your order through our online catalog so that your order is handled before those of email and phone customers.

Thanks for visiting us!

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Last Update: March 20, 2003